“I have always imagined a firm I could proudly say lives beyond me. Few ever get to do that. I am very proud of the culture and commerciality of Redchip, and I know it’s going to go from strength to strength.”
Gavin Barnes, Redchip Lawyers
Gavin Barnes, the founder of Redchip, has recently stepped down from his role as Managing Director. After decades at the helm, Gavin has decided to transition into a consulting role with Redchip, allowing him to focus his time on specific passion areas within the business. Gavin has handed over to our four existing Directors to continue leading Redchip Lawyers into the future.
Gavin began Redchip in the mid-90s, tapping into his commercial nous and entrepreneurial mindset to grow Redchip into the law firm that it is today. Gavin will continue to be an integral part of the Redchip team, with this move allowing him to focus on specialised advisory areas, additional projects and mentoring our commercial lawyers.
“I started Redchip Lawyers as a solo entrepreneur 27 years ago. Even back then I knew I didn’t want it to be like every other law firm. I wanted us to be innovative, approachable and open-minded in the way we approach business for our clients. Choosing a non-traditional name – Redchip – was a big nod to that,” Gavin says.
“Today, we have nearly 40 talented staff members and continue to grow. I am proud of who we are and everything that we do. We’re doing good quality work, we’re doing it well, and we are human about how we approach business for our clients.”
Robert Lalor is stepping into the position of Managing Director. Together, Redchip’s long-standing and trusted team of Directors will continue to drive the business forward, upholding our commitment to our clients and our reputation as the most business-focussed lawyers in Queensland.
“I am delighted to be appointed Managing Director. Every day I am driven to help facilitate outcomes for businesses and I look forward to continuing to work with my valued clients, focusing on our people and continuing to grow Redchip in our chosen markets,” Robert says.
“On behalf of our Partners and the whole team at Redchip Lawyers, I would like to thank Gavin for his ongoing devotion. Without Gavin, we wouldn’t be the Redchip we are today. He began this business from scratch and has dedicated his career to building Redchip and taking care of its clients.”