Whilst useful and popular, trusts are not straightforward. The commissioner of taxation has in recent times changed the taxing of trusts and the courts have made some interesting decisions on the interpretation of trusts deeds and the obligations of trustees. The way a trust is drafted legally binds the trustees, so it’s vital that the trust deed clearly reflects your intents and purposes.
We draft and amend trust deeds for our clients to use in an array of different scenarios. We help you understand your rights and obligations as the trustee or if you are a beneficiary of a trust. We show you how to use trusts to get the best tax outcomes and to protect your assets. We will always discuss your needs and desired outcomes, and recommend the right way forward for you.
We can help you to establish or amend:
- Discretionary Trusts
- Unit Trusts
- Testamentary Trusts
- Lineal Descendants Discretionary Trusts
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